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Days - Exile 2.0 - Paths Of Changes

A Visual Exploration Of The Migrant Crisis Of Europe
As part of the days project,  this transmedia documentary will takes place from December to February to try to document,  to film and to help these people to face the sharp and cold winter time.
The aim of this journey is somehow driven by empathy and the willing to film and to tell stories that these people need to share.
- Indeed, Why are they moving in Europe ?
- Why are they risking their life to struggle
   with our governement and refugee politics ?
- Is this situation worth it ?
- Why are we so worried about welcoming them ?
- Do we know them ?
This new entire days story will focus on them, their life, their wishes and dreams,  etc ... this specific story will takes form in videos, photographs, interviews and more ... and the all project will be displayed on this website but also on collaboration with :
to try to give these people a voice, to be heard and to give them access to our connected world and why not to create relationship between us and them for a better situation. 
More than simply telling their stories, a another mission of this project is to help these people to face the winter by giving them clothes, food and everything that could help their situation to  improve.


How can you help?

- By creating for the transmedia story (songs, texts, pictures art of anykind )
- by giving some advices, experiences or point of view about this problem
- by spreading the word to make a change and to create a reaction through the social networks etc... 
- By sending some clothes or foods, medicines or money to buy these first needs,  to be able to move from a boundary to another etc...
   Feel you free to get in touch for more informations
Linked below is the itinerary road to Eastern Europe including the different stops on the way.
Why don't you share your throughts ?
Add your location by clicking on this map
Please, feel you free to spread the word through your relationship, colleagues or friends around these area for them to help as well.
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